Mobile veterinary free health care and advisory services SAU Tandojam

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A glance to cesarean section in goat

Dystocia in goat Goat presented for C-section at Hassanian Veterinary clinic Tandojam

Gravid Uterus identified and isolated to retrieve the dead foetus

Saturday, May 16, 2009


•Surgery is that branch of medical science which brings about or attempt to bring about a restitution to the normal of a diseased state by instrumental, manual or mechanical means.

•Fundamental goal: restore patient to normal health of life

•Surgery is intended for the alleviation, correction or elimination of lesions arising from disease trauma and congenital defects through manual, mechanical or operative means. Purposes of surgery:

•Rendering less dangerous: castration, dehorning. Diagnostic (exploratory laparotomy). Prolong life of animal.

• Elimination of disease

•Orthopaedic surgery Neurosurgery
•Ophthalmic surgery Thoracic surgery
•Cardiovascular surgery Revascularization
•Arthroscopic Antiseptic
•Aseptic surgery Clean surgery
•Clean-contaminated Contaminated
•cosmetic Plastic

•Reconstructive surgery radical surgery
•conservative surgery minor surgery
•Exploratory surgery Plastic surgery
•Experimental surgery Clinical surgery
•caryosurgery Lasser surgery
•Elective surgery Emergency surgery

Livestock contribute more than 50% in the GDP of the Pakistan economy. Large animal surgery is the most important job of veterinary surgeon in Pakistan.