Congratulations, from the depth of my heart to all of you, for the celebration of WORLD VETERINARIANS' DAY. I feel confident and happy to claim that:
Veterinarians are the BEST doctors in the WORLD,
Because they can NEVER ask
their patients that WHAT THE PROBLEM IS?
They have to Know it.
Yes, veterinarians can never ask their patient that Why you are Sad? What happened to You? What you are feeling my Dear? Where is Wrong with You? But... They understand each and every behavior, every step, every movement of the animal. We read the EYES, we hear the Sonnet of their Heart... Yes We understand our patients...., we understand the Pets.
Salute to the veterinarians on this Happy Great Day, for the Great Purpose, for the survival and shelter, & help of the POOR animals, as they can't speak to you, that what's wrong with them. Take care of you pets Please....
Its Just a simple Love of the Pet, by a Vet. Student. Watch, and Promote...
Smile Always :) Care and Love for Your Pets and Vets around. *-_-*